6 tips for a better boudoir experience while being on your period

We all agree that being on our period isn’t a pleasant experience: being in pain, losing blood, being tired, having our hormones going crazy, feeling bloated, having to use the bathroom often, and much more, makes it hard to feel like a sexy and confident being. So when the time of your boudoir shoot comes and you realize you will be on your period, it can feel like a bummer.

But don’t you worry, today we are giving you 6 tips that will help you have a positive boudoir experience while being on your period if you cannot push back your shoot!

Painkillers medicine

This one is a given but feeling comfortable while doing your boudoir shoot is very important, so you want to make sure to not be in pain while posing. Don’t hesitate to take some pain killers before leaving for your shoot. Taking them at least 30 minutes before the beginning of your boudoir session should do the trick!

Avoid wearing sanitary pads

If possible do not use pads, especially if you are planning to wear some lingerie. Pads are thick and very difficult to hide so instead you might want to use a tampon or menstrual cup. But if you do not like having a foreign object in your body, you can find nowadays beautiful period underwear that can be perfect for a boudoir shoot.

Bring one or two small towels

Having a couple of hand towels in your bag while on your period is always useful. You might need them if you have to clean yourself quickly, or use one to put under your bum in case you are worried you might stain the furniture you are sitting or laying on. Don’t forget to also take a plastic bag with you so you can put the used towels in it!

Change and freshen up

We all know how uncomfortable it is to spend a part of your day with an almost full period protection and wondering if it is leaking because it is time to change it. For your peace of mind and a better boudoir experience we recommend you to change whatever period product you are using just before starting your shoot. And if you can, do not hesitate to rinse yourself as well so you know there is no risk of smell or visual.

Avoid lingerie that is too tight

If you are like us, you know that when we are on our period it feels good to wear loose clothes. Since our uterus feels (and is) bigger than usual, wearing tight pants or tight underwear is very uncomfortable. If you only bring tight lingerie or gorgeous corset to wear during your boudoir session, you will end up spending the entire shoot feeling constricted, and it might show on the final pictures. To avoid this, bring a mix of different outfits so you can switch from wearing tight clothes to loose ones. It will make the session more comfortable for you!

Bring some outfits that covers your belly

It is not something you will hear us say often! Usually we like to tell our clients to show the parts of their body they like the less instead of hiding them during their boudoir shoot (it is in our opinion the best way to learn to accept and love those parts). But being on our period means that we are naturally bloated, and we know it is not a pleasant feeling.

On top of making our belly bigger than it usually is, there is also the discomfort that goes with it. So we understand that people don’t necessarily want to see that on their photographs. If you can relate, then bring some outfits that will hide your bloated belly such as bodysuits, babydoll gowns, dresses, shirts…

Bonus tip

Don’t hesitate to tell us if you are experiencing any discomfort or pain during your shoot so you can take a break to calm the cramps down. Here are a few items you can bring with you that can help ease the pain during the shoot:

  • Herbal tea to drink during your session. Red raspberry leaves, ginger, peppermint, and chamomile tea, can help to reduce the bloating and calm down period cramps.

  • Heat or cold pad. Heat can help relax the muscles contributing to cramping, so applying heat to your abdomen or back can help relieve your pain.

    An ice pack can also reduce pain. Cold therapy narrows blood vessels, which eases menstrual cramps.

  • Extra medicine to take if the pain comes back during your boudoir session.

As mentioned, your boudoir shoot should be a fun and comfortable experience. So if the idea of having your period during your session makes you feel uncomfortable, don’t hesitate to ask us if it is possible to push back your session, especially if you give us a couple of weeks notice. But in case it is not possible, try to not stress too much about it and follow those guidelines. If you manage to relax during this time, you will still get a beautiful experience 💛

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