Did you talk yourself out of it?

Last year, we had a meeting with a new Scandal (if you are new here, “Scandal” is the name we give to our clients and people in our community 🤗) and she inspired us to write today’s blog.

She reached out in January for some information about our boudoir shoots because she wanted to celebrate herself with an outdoor session. We loved her idea so much that we decided to followed up when she stopped corresponding with us. She was so happy we didn’t give up because it was the extra push she needed to do her shoot as she had talked herself out of doing it.

Sharing this information with us was very courageous, not everyone can do it, and it gave us the opportunity to write about this topic as it is a quite common situation.


What does it mean to talk ourselves out of something?

Talking ourselves out of something refers to the act of persuading oneself not to pursue a certain course of action, decision, or opportunity. This internal dialogue often involves rationalizing reasons why it may not be the right time, not be achievable, not be worth the effort nor the money.

It can come from different reasons such as fear of failure, self-doubts, external pressure, or simply a lack of confidence.

Sounds too familiar? Of course it does! We can all relate to that choice of listening to fear and giving up instead of going after something we want. It is a defence mechanism that we all do at some point in our life!

Is it a toxic trait?

Of course not! It is a way of protecting yourself from potential arm, either it is physical or mental.

But it is holding you back from experiencing Life! By engaging in these self-talks, living a too comfortable life, and not taking any risk, you are missing out on exploring new possibilities and adventures. Which makes personal growth very difficult to achieve, and you might end up having regrets about all the things you didn’t do.

Remember that no one can live your life but you!

Boudoir photography put people outside their comfort zone

We see it with some of our clients who want so badly to do a boudoir shoot to feel empowered, to regain confidence, or reclaim their image that has been destroyed in the past. But they feel so nervous, or afraid, about showing their uncovered body that they keep pushing the experience back, or they decide to not do it anymore. And that makes us sad for them because we know that a boudoir shoot would help them to get to that level of self-love they deserve.

Don’t get us wrong, anyone has the right to change their mind about anything. But when we meet someone who has this craving about trying boudoir photography, it is part of our job to reassure them and motivate them to move away from that internal fear and just go for it.

You might think that we are being bias because we are boudoir photographers, but it is more than that. We are strong believers that boudoir photography is a therapeutic tool, that can help anyone with body and confidence issues. We have experienced its transformative effect ourselves, and witnessed it through all the clients we had those past 7 years.

So if you want to give it a try, you have our support, do it! Even better, do a shoot with us 🥰.

How to shut down these annoying little voices?

Recognizing when you are talking yourself out of something is primordial to challenge these self-imposed limitations, embrace new possibilities, and finally do all the things that scare you.


The first step is learning to differentiate talking yourself out of something you really want to accomplish from changing your mind about something you don’t want to do anymore. You might be thinking: “aren’t those the same? You end up not doing it anyway!”. Sure, they sound similar, but those two points are very different and create different results.

The first one is based on fear. You give up or keep pushing it back not because you don’t want to do it anymore but because you are afraid of something (maybe you think you will be judged by others, or that it will change your life in a way that you don’t feel ready for… there is always fear behind those little voices that tell you not to do something). As mentioned before, not going after what your soul craves will create regrets because it was meaningful to you.

It is something you feel deep in your bones, and it usually keeps coming back even though you tell yourself otherwise.

The second one is only a change of mind. Yes, it would have been fun to do it, but since it is not something that you need in order to feel fulfill and grow, not doing it isn’t going to change anything in your life.

They usually manifest as ideas or thoughts like: “maybe I could do this” or “it would be fun to try that!”. But they don’t last long, and you just forget about them.

Once you have recognized if it is something you want to keep pursuing, it is time to do a little bit more work on yourself.


The second step is to pay attention to this universal behaviour we all have: finding excuses! Either we do it to cancel plans, to not do the work we are supposed to do, to not show up somewhere, or to not go after something we wish for, having excuses is so common that we do it without even realizing we are.

And yes, some are very valid excuses, but most of the time we just don’t want to push ourselves too much because we are very comfortable in the moment.

There are many excuses out there, but we want to talk about the 3 most common ones (otherwise this blog will become a novel 😅). Also, we are using boudoir photography to make our points clearer, obviously they apply to anything in life:

  • Lack of skill & confidence: this has to be first on our list because it is something 90% of our clients feel nervous about when they want to book their boudoir shoot. It is either because they never posed in their life and feel like they will be ridiculous. Or they don’t like their body and think they will look ridiculous. But most of the time, it is a mix of both: they are afraid of being ridiculous because they believe they are not good enough to try boudoir photography.

    The truth: yes, you are photogenic! Yes, you are beautiful! And yes, you deserve photographs of yourself to show you how badass you are.

  • Money: Raise your hand if you have money blocks that stop you from moving forward in life 👋.

    Little disclaimer: we are referring to people who have the savings for this type of experiences, or treat themselves with more high-end services or products. We are aware that not everyone can afford a boudoir shoot.

    But for those who can, money is a common excuse people use when it comes to a boudoir session. They have the money set aside specifically for their shoot, yet they overthink the experience and limit themselves on the number of pictures they would buy even though they haven’t done their photoshoot yet. When you dig deeper, you realize money isn’t the issue. The main problem is that they deeply believe they don’t deserve to treat themselves with such a transformative experience, nor invest the money on themselves.

    The truth: treat yourself like royalty, you freaking deserve it! Also, if it is hard for you to imagine spending money of a boudoir experience, remember that you don’t have to pay everything at once, and we offer payment plans.

  • Time: “I can’t, I am too busy!”. That is true, we all have stuff to do. But time is all we have on this planet, and you can make time for the things that are important to you. So it isn’t a question of time, it is about choices and moving your schedule around. We see it often with women, especially moms. They dream of doing a shoot, but they keep pushing that thought back because of not having the time. What we hear (based on testimonials we gathered from all those years working with women who have kids) is that they don’t dare to take the me-time they deserve because they have a family to take care of. They feel like they don’t deserve to put themselves first by fear of being selfish.

    The truth: you have the right, like anyone else, to pause your busy life for a few hours and focus on you for once!

When you think about it, it is ridiculous to stop ourselves from going after the things we want in life because of self-limitations. If we were cartoon characters, it would be the same as dropping a rock in front of ourselves and not moving because of this obstacle we just made (even though we could just circumvent it, or jump over it, to keep moving forward)!

Once you understand what is the real reason behind the excuse you use, you can put back things into perspective and reassure yourself to go for it. Give yourself a good pep talk, you should be ready for the next step!


The final step is pretty straightforward: just DO IT without thinking too much about it. Overthinking is a buzz killer, trust me I am guilty of that! And such is over-planning, by the way. Wanting to feel prepared and ready is very important of course, but it can become a form of procrastination when you focus too much on it instead of doing the work.

You want to do a boudoir shoot but your inner negative voices are bullying you? Then you now know what to do: stop overthinking and book your session. You will have plenty of time to get yourself ready before your shoot, but at least you took that first step!


The chances to accomplish things are much higher when you tell other people about what you’re trying to do. Even just sharing your ideas, or dreams, out loud to someone can help to give you the push you need to get started on it.

Go with someone supportive and open-minded, a loved one who will lift you up! Don’t share it with someone who might crush your idea. If you are already doubting yourself, the last thing you need is another person doubting you!

So, are we seeing you soon in front of our lenses?

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Boudoir isn’t for me… I am not photogenic!

“I want to do a boudoir shoot, but I am not photogenic. Actually, I hate having my pictures taken!”

We hear this sentence so often when we meet our clients for the first time (maybe you are one of those many people who really dislike being in front of a camera, comment if it is your case!). Honestly, we cannot blame you. Just like you, both Juliette and I felt awkward being photographed until we started studying photography and started posing as models back in 2009. But then, we discover the truth… drum rolls… everyone is photogenic!

Yes, even you 🤗

Why do a lot of people dislike having their photos taken?


Many people don’t like their body and feel uncomfortable in their skin, and there is nothing surprising here! For centuries, we have been conditioned to believe being beautiful means looking young, and being thin while having specific attributes 😤.

Because of this, many people feel repelled by their own image, since their body doesn’t look like what they have seen in the media. And instead of realizing those beauty standards are just wrong, they believe that the problem comes from them and the way they look. It is hard to feel comfortable having your pictures taken when you see your body as your enemy.


In people’s mind, posing means looking unnatural. Simply because when someone is photographing you, there is this assumption that you have to have a big smile on your face, look happy, and have a rigid posture. And for most people this assumption is a big obstacle, like being told once again to pretend.

Of course, it is always nice to look approachable and confident in photography (especially for traditional headshots), but there are so many different ways of showing this aspect of yourself that don’t have to feel forced.

When you do a boudoir shoot, smiling on your photos is not the goal of your session anyway. It depends on the vibe you want to have and it something that comes naturally during the shoot.


Something that is quite common, is feeling unphotogenic because of having bad photos of yourself taken in the past. Either they were taken by professional photographers, amateurs, loved ones, or badly done for whatever other reasons, we all have photos of ourselves we hate.

Disappointments happen and that can really tarnish an experience, which makes it hard to trust a photographer again.


Either it is for school or family photos, children are often forced to have their pictures taken. Most of us remember that awful feeling of being a kid and having to stay still while being told repeatedly to smile, so our family could have nice pictures. Let’s face it, when we are young we don’t care about photography, we would rather go play. So when we are being forced to do it (or guilted into doing it), it creates a negative experience which can be traumatic for some people!


Last but not least, many cultures around the globe believe that a camera can steal a person’s soul when you photograph them. It is said that our reflections are an outward projection of our souls staring back at us, so since a photograph can lock a fleeting instant in time, people believe it can also encapsulate the subject’s spirit within the camera itself.

It actually happened to me once, Fanny, when I was shooting at a wedding. I was about to take a photo of a guest and that person asked me not to because she didn’t want me to take her soul away.

Even if intimidating, boudoir photography is your best ally.

Many people are intrigued by the world of boudoir, or they want so badly to do a shoot, but the idea of being half naked in front of a stranger is too nerve-wracking for them to take that next step! And we understand the struggle!

Maybe you are someone who is not confident with their body and who doesn’t like being in front of the camera, so having your photos taken that reveal more skin than with a regular photo shoot makes you think that your boudoir experience will be a disaster. Maybe you have all of those little voices in your head that are telling you that you will feel awkward because you don’t know how to pose, that you will hate seeing your body in the nude, and that you will find yourself ugly.

Those combined doubts you have about your body, and photography in general, are based on your past experiences, external judgments, and fears. All that negativity has impacted the way you see yourself, making you feel like you can’t have beautiful pictures of yourself because you are not good enough. Boudoir photography is the best tool to help you see your body in a new light and regain that forgotten confidence!

When you do a boudoir shoot, you do it for you! It gives you the opportunity to wear outfits that make you feel like your most sensual-and-confident-self, and it allows you to “play” with your different personalities because it is your time to shine and no one is here to drag you down. You leave the session feeling unstoppable because you just did something that was maybe a bit scary, but you did it anyway and end up with badass photographs of yourself you will keep forever!

Is everybody really photogenic?

Absolutely! Being photogenic does not mean smiling awkwardly in front of a lens. It is about being yourself and seeing the camera as a friend who will show you how magnificent you look 💛.

So get that though out of your head and book that boudoir shoot you deserve!

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A surprising way to increase self-confidence

Hello lovely readers! Today, we want to talk to you about something that has been overlooked in the search of self-confidence, and yet that is very important in order to increase it: posture (during a photoshoot, but also in your everyday life).

We all remember being kids and having some family members telling us to sit straight so we don’t end up being crooked adults. As annoying as it was, they were kinda right! The way we hold our body is primordial for our health and the way we look, but also to feel more confident. Let us explained…


Shoulders down, boobs up

Self-confidence is a vital aspect of our overall well-being. Not only it influences our choices, actions, and interactions with others, but it also shapes how we perceive ourselves and give us a better control over our life.

When you look online to get some advice on how to become more confident, you can find a lot of ideas that contribute toward that goal, unfortunately readjusting our posture is rarely one of those advices. Yet, the way we position our bodies and present ourselves physically significantly impacts how we feel. In fact, studies have shown that adopting certain poses can have a direct influence on our level of confidence and self-esteem.

Keeping yourself small VS power posing

If you consistently adopt closed-off poses, with crossed arms or slouched posture, you communicate to your brain that you are shrinking and feeling vulnerable. These poses can reinforce negative self-perceptions and inhibit your confidence. When you physically appear small, your minds mirror this with feelings of insignificance and insecurity.

On the other hand, when you strike a pose that exudes power and openness, your brain responds by releasing hormones associated with confidence and dominance. This phenomenon is known as the famous "power posing." By expanding your body and taking up space, you send signals to your brain that you are in a position of strength, empowerment, and self-assurance. Which leads to more success and better outcomes in various aspects of your life 💪.

So next time you go outside, think about that! Put on one of your favourite outfits and walk in the street like you own it: walk like you are the tallest person in the world, take the space you need, imagine you are on the red carpet… You’ll see how powerful that makes you feel!

Boudoir photography is your best ally

Your posture also plays a significant role in your body image. Many people struggle with accepting and embracing themselves the way they are, so by intentionally posing in ways that highlight your beautifully natural body, you can boost your self-love. This is when boudoir photography comes in!

When you do a boudoir shoot, you are not only getting pretty pictures of yourself. You are doing an experience with long-lasting results that helps you reclaim your self-worth and celebrate everything that makes you YOU (yes, your body included!). During the shoot, we help you pose accordingly to your body type, your flexibility, and the vibe you want to create, so you can see yourself the way you never did before!

On top of that empowering feeling, you get images as a reminder and proof on how gorgeous and badass you are! Plus, it shows how courageous you were to try a not-so-easy experience (not everyone can “strip down” in front of a stranger and have their pictures taken) 💛

Since confidence comes from within and is developed through a combination of self-acceptance, self-care, and personal growth, improving your posture alone will not magically make you the most confident person in the world. But being aware of how you hold yourself is a valuable tool to include in your self-confidence journey!

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5 common boudoir questions people ask

Happy new year, and thank you for stopping by our first blog of 2025 🥳

Like every year, we are very excited to share more about our business, give you helpful tips & tricks, or talk about topics that matter to us! If you haven’t signed up to our weekly newsletter yet and want to stay in the loop to not miss any of our blogs, scroll down the page, and you will find the form there.

Since we haven’t talked about the basic of boudoir in a while, why not start the year answering the most common questions people ask about boudoir photography.


Can I do a boudoir shoot for myself?

Is it very common for people to believe the only reason for someone to have their photos taken in a boudoir style is to gift them to a partner or a lover. Which is not wrong (it is always a nice touch to gift someone some sexy pictures, it adds extra spiciness to the relationship), but it is not the goal of this type of photography.

Doing a boudoir shoot for yourself is the ultimate experience you can treat yourself to. It is the me-time you finally deserve! On top of getting stunning photos, you also gain long-lasting benefits that you will feel in your everyday life (such as a boost of confidence, change in your posture,…).

Am I too old to try boudoir photography?

Beside having to be over 18, there is no limit of age in order to do a boudoir shoot. We often receive inquiries from women who are 50+, who called themselves “mature”, and tell us that it might be weird that they want to do a shoot at their age.

Of course, it is not weird! And we wished more people who are past a certain age could treat themselves with this life-changing experience… Feeling fabulous is ageless 🤩

Is boudoir only for women?

If you type boudoir photography in your browser, you will see a big majority of images showcases women, but don’t let it fool you… boudoir is for everyone!

Either you are a man who want to explore his softer side, a trans person who want to fully embrace what they now identify as, a non-binary person who wants to break gender stereotypes, or a cross dresser who want to express themselves fully, boudoir photography is the perfect opportunity to celebrate your badass-self the way you want it!

I don’t know how to pose, can I still have a boudoir shoot done?

Absolutely! We never work with professional models, and most of our clients are first timers (some of them never even had their photos taken for anything). Both Juliette and I, Fanny, are on your shoot and it is our role to guide you through each pose and set (we often, if not always, demonstrate the poses so you can have a visual).

If you feel really nervous with the idea of posing, it is normal, but we promise it is fun if you let yourself be guided and trust the process.

Should I lose weight so I can look good in my photos?

We are going to steal one of Nirvana’s song for this one, but here is what we tell people:

“Come as you are.”

Your natural body is beautiful, you are beautiful… 👏 yes 👏 you 👏 are 👏

One of the reasons we opened Scandaleuse Photography back in 2017, was to make boudoir accessible to anyone, no matter their shapes and sizes. Boudoir is a mindset, not a beauty contest! It is about helping yourself to reconnect to your sensuality, your self-confidence, & your sexiness, and making you love the body you have 💛

We really hope this blog will help you take the decision to finally do that boudoir shoot you deserve! We would love to see you in front of our lenses. As usual, if you have questions, feel free to reach out here!

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Dudeoir shoots - boudoir photography isn't only for women.

We have been photographing men since the day we opened Scandaleuse Photography back in 2017, but those past months, we had a big increase of inquiries coming from gentlemen, and some of them had quite the same reasons. So we thought it was time to redo a blog post regarding our dudeoir shoots!

Not sure what dudeoir photography is? Well, keep reading, we will explain everything to you and hopefully give you the extra push you need to try this experience!


Wait, boudoir photography is not only for women?

Of course it is not! Boudoir is for everyone who is over 18 years old.

A boudoir shoot is simply an indoors or outdoors photography session, in which you show more skin than in a regular portrait session. It can be done in lingerie, or any outfit truly, as long as you show some skin (wearing only a piece a fabric, or nothing at all is also an option).

Despite some old school boudoir examples you can see online, you do not need to have any modelling experience, neither be of a certain age, body shape, or gender, in order to try this type of photography. The only thing you need is your beautiful-self and talented photographers (AKA us 😉)!

Is dudeoir photography different than boudoir?

Nope. The term dudeoir was invented so men can relate more to this type of photography by being less afraid to end up with pictures of themselves that could potentially be too feminine for their taste. But the goal stays the same:

Feeling empowered, sexy, and confident!

It is not because this industry showcases mostly women that you cannot do a boudoir shoot as a man. Some of our male clients want to showcase their masculinity by getting moody photographs that showcase their muscles. But other clients want photos that are more bright and airy to show their softer side and reconnect with their femininity (it doesn’t matter what our gender is, we all have both feminine and masculine traits… and that is ok!).

Men, too, want to feel sensual, desired, and more confident. Boudoir photography is the perfect tool to help them get there, without shame nor pressure!

Speaking of reasons…

Since boudoir photography isn’t common for men, most of them held back from doing a shoot because they don't know why they would even give it a try.

Here are a few reasons:


Media put so much pressure on people with all the “beauty standards” that having a clouded vision of our body doesn't only apply to women, it is universal! Most of us wish parts of our body could be different:

“I wish I could be more muscular, thinner, taller, have more boobs, a bigger weenie,…”

The truth is that we should be able to love the way we look naturally instead of wanted to be different. When you learn to accept your body the way it is, you stop comparing yourself to others and start building a stronger confidence.


Speaking of confidence :)… A boudoir shoot is a challenge by itself. It can make you feel vulnerable and pushes you out of your comfort zone. But this is good as it helps you grow and develop that confidence we all need.

Can you guess why it is important to be confident?

It gives you the strength to go through life challenges and make the world your oyster… Not bad right!

We like to say that once you strip down in front of two strangers, nothing else in life can stop you ;)


This is probably the first reason that pushes most of our clients to do or redo a boudoir shoot.

We all need to celebrate our awesome-selves. Every little or big victories, body transformations (new hairstyle, tattoos, …), and even birthdays. Basically anything that makes us happy in our everyday life.

Be your own cheerleader and treat yourself with unique experiences!


Yes you read that right! Every single human being has both a feminine and masculine side. Not a lot of men dare to tap into their femininity, but your feminine side is a huge asset in your life. It keeps you grounded and helps you simply enjoy what is around you. You become more aware of what all of your senses are picking up, which helps you develop new perspectives and your creativity.


The pressure around men is quite insane: “Don’t cry! Be strong! Suck it up! Don't be a girl!…” If you guys dare to show a bit of sensitivity, you are right away put in the “weak” category. You have the right to be whatever and whoever you want. But in order to change mentalities, like women, you have to stand up and fight! You have to be willing to tap and show your sensitivity, to make it normal.

By allowing yourself to be more vulnerable and not being afraid to show emotions (rather than always trying to be strong all the time), you will slowly but surely remove some clichés attributed to men.

You won't be only be doing yourself a favour, you will do one for your fellas too.


Even if a boudoir shoot should always be done for yourself first, using it as a gift for your partner is always a cool extra bonus, and a great way to spice your relationship up. Who wouldn't be amazingly surprised to see sexy pictures of their lover, fiancé, or spouse?!


Now that you read all the reasons for doing a dudeoir shoot, what are you waiting for to book your session with us 😉

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What happens during a boudoir shoot?

If you haven’t done a boudoir shoot yet you might wonder what’s going on during the session. Today, we are sharing with you everything that is happening the day of your shoot!

But before we dive in, let us explain what is Boudoir in case you are not familiar with this term:

A boudoir shoot is a type of photography in which people are showing more skin than traditional portrait photography. The photos are usually intimate, sensual, sexy (but can also be in a more cosy vibe for those who prefer this than being sexy). People have different reasons to do a boudoir shoot, but the most common one is to increase self-confidence (we wrote a blog here that explains it more in details).


Let us guide you first through the basics of our boudoir shoots but read everything to the end as we are talking about points people don’t necessarily think of!

  • We put your favourite music on!

When we meet you on Zoom for an introduction meeting, we tell you to create a playlist with your favourite songs on your phone so you can really put yourself in the mood during your session. Music is a powerful tool to help you relax and have fun.

  • We look at your outfits!

During the meeting we previously mentioned, we suggest to you to bring a suitcase full of different outfits and props. Before we start shooting, we spend the first 10 minutes going through what you brought, select your top 3 outfits, and help you mix and match or find ideas for the other pieces.

Seeing your outfits and props is what makes us create scenarios and the different sets we are going to pose you in.

  • Let the shoot begin!

This is usually the moment most people are nervous about, especially when they are first timers. But there is nothing to worry about as we pose you and guide you the entire session, and make sure the poses are adapted to your body type and flexibility level. So even if you don’t know how to pose, or are not feeling really good about your body, if you follow our guidance, you let loose and will end up having a lot of fun.

You will see that time flies very quickly during your boudoir session. Since both of us are on the shoot, one of us is always setting up for the next set when the other is shooting, which makes the session flows nicely!

Now that you know the “technical” stuff of what is happening during your shoot, we want to talk to you about what happens to your body and mind!

  • You let loose!

Most of the people who contact us to book a session always tell us they are not photogenic and feel very awkward in front of a camera. That is one of the reason they can feel nervous with the idea of trying boudoir photography and can be tensed at the beginning of the shoot. But since we create a fun vibe from the start and take the time to demonstrate the poses, you start to relax and enjoy being photographed. You forgot about not being photogenic and start to rock those poses 😎.

  • Your sensuality starts to kick in.

It is not easy for a lot of people to embrace their sensuality, or even dare to think of themselves as sensual beings. Boudoir photography is very powerful for that because it allows you to show the amount of skin you want, let go of the people’s judgment, focus on yourself, and be more in touch with your body. All of this combined helps your sensuality shines!

  • You unlock your confidence.

During your boudoir shoot, we also show you how to improve your posture, and this is something you take with you in your everyday life! We will tell you to straighten your back, bring your chest up, make yourself taller, and walk like you own the place. All of those little adjustments help to increase your self-confidence and you remember those for years!

On top of that, you will embrace all of your personalities during your boudoir experience. During your 2 hours shoot, you can go from a cosy vibe to a having a badass attitude, and truly showcase your most fearless, sexy, confident, cute, or whatever else you want to showcase 🔥.

Ready for a shoot with us?

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The Perfect Gift: Why a Boudoir Photoshoot is the Ultimate Expression of Love

Looking for the perfect gift for someone special is never easy. You want something meaningful that gives them a warm and fuzzy feeling.

What if we told you that gifting a boudoir photoshoot is the ultimate solution that will blow the mind of your special someone? Intimate, and unforgettable, a boudoir photoshoot is a gift like no other. It’s more than a present—it’s an experience, a celebration, and a lasting reminder of how much they mean to you.

Here are five compelling reasons why gifting a boudoir photoshoot is the ultimate way to show love and appreciation for someone special in your life.

1. A Celebration of Confidence


Boudoir photography is about embracing and celebrating anyone in front of the lens in their most authentic form. Whether it’s your partner, a close friend, or even yourself, a photoshoot like this is a powerful confidence booster.

By gifting this experience, you’re saying, “I see your beauty, strength, and uniqueness, and I want you to see it too.” It’s a profound way to remind someone how amazing they are and help them reconnect with their inner badass.

2. A Gift That Lasts Forever

Unlike material gifts, the images from a boudoir shoot hold timeless value. Each photo is a piece of art that captures a moment when the recipient felt empowered, beautiful, and celebrated.

For many years to come, they will be flipping through their album or looking at a framed print, and remembering not just how they felt but also the thoughtfulness behind your gift.

3. A Unique and Personal Gesture

Let’s face it: the best gifts are the ones that show you’ve put thought into them. A boudoir photoshoot is personal, customized to the recipient’s style and comfort level.

It’s a gift that shows you care about their journey of self-love and that you want to give them something that’s uniquely theirs. It’s not just an experience—it’s a statement of love and appreciation.

4. A Bond-Strengthening Experience

If this gift is for your partner, the experience becomes even more intimate. Not only does it give them a chance to feel pampered and special, but it can also enhance your relationship. Seeing someone you love rediscover their confidence and self-worth can deepen your connection and foster a new level of appreciation for each other.

You can even consider doing a photoshoot together!
If you feel like your partner has been itching to try such an experience but could use extra support, going for a couple photoshoot is a great way to go! Not only will you get to experience it together, but you will have beautiful memories to look back on.

5. It’s the Gift of Self-Discovery


For many people, a boudoir shoot is a transformative experience. It’s a moment to step outside their comfort zone, embrace their vulnerabilities, and see themselves in a new light.

By gifting this experience, you’re not just giving photos—you’re giving them the chance to fall in love with themselves. And there’s no gift more empowering or meaningful than that.

Of course, we are biased as we are deeply passionate about the boudoir photography world, especially after seeing its beautiful effect on people over the years. To us, this is something you can go all out on, but there are however some important things to keep in mind to have the right approach.

The Dos and Don’ts of Gifting a Boudoir Photoshoot


Consider their personality and comfort level.
This is a deeply personal experience, so think about whether your loved one would enjoy it. Do they embrace creativity and self-expression, or might this feel too outside their comfort zone?

Focus on their empowerment.
Make it clear that this gift is about celebrating them, not about your preferences or desires. It’s about how they feel and their confidence.

Present it thoughtfully.
Instead of just handing over a gift card, create a special moment when giving the gift. Write a heartfelt note explaining why you think they’re amazing and why you chose this for them.

Offer to support them.
Let them know you’re there to cheer them on, whether it’s helping them pick outfits or just being a source of encouragement.


Don’t pressure them.
A boudoir shoot is a vulnerable experience, and they should feel 100% comfortable with the idea. If they’re hesitant, respect their feelings and don’t push it.

Don’t make it about you.
Avoid framing this as something you want them to do for your benefit. The focus should be on their self-love journey, not your desires.

Don’t spring it on them unexpectedly.
Surprises can be tricky with something this personal. Make sure they’re on board with the idea before booking anything.

The Scandaleuse Experience

At Scandaleuse Photography, we specialize in creating a safe, judgment-free space for people to express themselves freely. From the moment your loved one walks through our doors, we guide them through every step of the process to ensure they feel comfortable, confident, and celebrated.

Ready to give the ultimate expression of love and appreciation? Let’s create something unforgettable together!

How to choose your boudoir photographer

Hi there!

If you are a first timer on our website, welcome to the Scandaleuse family 😀. If it is not your first time reading one of our blogs, know it is nice to have you back here! In both cases, we hope you can find some answers here if you are looking to do a shoot!


When it comes to boudoir photography, you want to make sure you find the perfect photographer to shoot with. Maybe it will be your first time trying boudoir and maybe you feel a bit anxious about it… Nothing to worry about, this feeling is normal! For a lot of people it is already hard to have their pictures taken, so the idea of posing half naked in front of a stranger can be even more nerve-racking even if they really want to try it.

To make sure you get the most out of your boudoir experience, and you feel 100% at ease the day of your shoot, it is really important you find the perfect match: AKA your dream photographer!

Do not necessarily go for the cheapest

Of course prices are important, and we understand not everyone have the budget to do a boudoir shoot since it can be quite of an investment. But if it is something you really want to treat yourself with, there are other factors to take into consideration.

If you go with the cheapest professionals, obviously you will get lower prices, but on the other hand you will sacrifice things that are important and can make your shoot go smoothly. For example, you might get:

  • A shorter shoot and be rushed to pose.

    Which can cause you a lot of stress, and you might end up looking tensed on the final pictures.

  • A photographer that is new in photography or not really confident in their work.

    The risk is that this person might not be able to pose you properly nor find the best angles during your shoot. An inexperienced photographer might also not know how to guide you and can easily use the wrong words that sometimes can be misleading or not really appropriate!

    They might also not be able to give you what you are looking for if you have specific ideas in mind.

  • A lack of quality with the final pictures.

    Such as unbalanced colours and lighting, which affects the colour of your skin and intensify your skin’s texture (including pimples, bruises, cellulite, …). Or a poor editing process. Even if we believe photographers should never change someone’s body (we are not plastic surgeons!), when we edit your pictures we make sure to unify your skin tones or soften tan lines if you have some.

  • Low resolution pictures with the photographer’s watermark.

    This means that you would not be able to print them the size you wish and will end up with the photographer’s signature on all of your pictures. If you are looking to have clean prints or a beautiful album in the future, that might be an issue.

Those are a few pointers among other ones. Like anything in life you want to purchase, if you go for a low price, you know you are not going to get the best product or service. In our opinion, it is not something you want to experience with boudoir photography. A cheap shoot is never worth the struggles and disappointment you might get in return. If you really want to treat yourself with a boudoir session but don’t have the budget yet, it is better to wait a bit longer rather than rushing into it.

Also know that payment plans can be an option! We don’t know about the other studios, but on our end we are more than happy to be flexible with payments so you can access the beautiful world of boudoir photography more easily.

Safety first

We wrote a full blog about this very important topic here as we heard some horrific stories happening to some people. We highly suggest reading it or watch the video below:


The recap:

Avoid Kijiji or Craiglist.
Always meet with your photographer(s)
• Check the company's reputation with reviews or referrals.
• Have a contract signed and the details of the session laid out before the day of. Everything has to be crystal clear.
Bring someone with you or let someone know where you will be and when you'll be done.

First impression always matters

Trust your instinct! We mentioned it in the video above, but we want to write here as it is primordial:

Always listen to your guts!

It does not matter what detail triggered that little voice in your head telling you there is something not working with this photographer, just listen to it. Our body usually picks up on people’s energy before our brain does, especially as women (we have a natural protective instinct). So if you feel it is not gonna work out, it probably will not. It is always better to find someone else!

Values are important

Like in any relationships, either it is professional or personal, sharing the same values is important in order to make the most out of the time you will spend together. Since boudoir can be an experience that makes you feel vulnerable, feeling 100% comfortable around the person who is guiding you during your shoot is a must.

If you don’t relate to the message the photographer is sharing through their branding, or you cannot really “recognize” yourself in their work, it is usually a sign this is not a good match.

Contract and privacy release

Even if we love being able to share our clients’ pictures to inspire other people to do a shoot and show the diversity in our clientele, we understand that privacy is important. When choosing a photographer, make sure they have a release option to sign, so they keep your pictures private if you wish to.

Also, you want to make sure to sign a contract that summarize all the details from the shoot and what you are supposed to get. This is to avoid any unpleasant surprises such as change of pricing, hidden fees or any other clauses you were not aware of.

Your vibe should match their style

Every photographer has a personal artistic style, so what you see on a photographer’s website is most likely what you are going to get. Before hiring your photographer, you want to make sure they can give you what you are looking for.

For example, if you are looking for a homey vibe with a nice decors and plants for your pictures background and atmosphere, you don’t want to go for a photographer who mostly shoot in a simple studio on a white background.

Everything has to be crystal clear

Beautiful black woman wearing blond wig posing naked in an indoor jungle

Your boudoir experience, from meeting the photographer to getting the finale product (with everything in between), should happen smoothly and you should not feel confused about the process. Never hesitate to ask questions (as long as you respect your photographer’s time) or ask for extra clarification if needed.

Once again, if you feel the photographer you contacted isn’t being really responsive, you might wanna look at other options.

Your boudoir shoot is about you and yourself only! So when you find the perfect photographer that will make you feel like your most badass, sexy, confident, or whatever-else-you-wanna-feel self, you are going to have an amazing experience 😍

Boudoir is a life-changing experience, and we cannot wait for you to try it!

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Magical boudoir, are you up for it?

We have been saying the following since we opened Scandaleuse Photography back in 2017:

“Boudoir doesn’t have to be the traditional photo of a woman posing on the bed of a hotel room wearing a classic set of lingerie!”

Don’t get us wrong, if this is your vibe than it is perfect, and you deserve classic boudoir photos to celebrate your gorgeous self. But for some people it is not, and they can have a hard time taking the step to book their shoot because they cannot picture themselves in a traditional setting… This is mostly why we opened our boudoir business.

We wanted to show another side of boudoir photography and open the door of this world to the ones who want to step away from common boudoir photoshoots. So because we have our own boudoir style, we attract a lot of clients who want to do unique photoshoots and who give us the freedom to make cool ideas come to life!

black woman levitating boudoir setting river orange smoke bomb

Boudoir experience tailored to your personality

You are not just sexy, cute, chill, or serious. You are a mix of emotions, wants and needs, which change depending on your mood and life. A boudoir photoshoot is the perfect opportunity to let loose instead of focusing on external judgment, and highlight the multiple facets of your personality as well as your wildest self!

  • Want to feel like a river nymph or the goddess of wind? We got you and know the perfect spot for it!

  • Want to go back in time and be a glamorous 50s actress, we might have the perfect props!

  • Want to let your inner witch take over for your boudoir shoot? Hell yeah, we love that (where are our Charmed fans at?)!

No idea is too big. If we can make it happen, we will!

Share your thoughts, bring your outfits and props, we take care of the rest!

The way it works is simple: people send us a little message to share about why they want to do a boudoir shoot and schedule a Zoom meeting. This consultation is the moment where we go over our boudoir process, listen to your ideas and expectation for your boudoir shoot, and take notes of the things that are important to you.

The day of your boudoir shoot, we go over the outfits and accessories you brought with you, and this is when we start creating the sets that will be matching your vision.

You don’t need to think too much about your ideas, as the artistic part of the shoot is our job (and we are really good at it 😄 ). Especially for any “magical touch” you want to have on your pictures such as levitation, flying stuff, fire, spooky effect… All you have to do is share with us about things you would like to see on pictures or vibe you want, and we take care of making it happen!

In case you want to have a badass boudoir photoshoot, but you don’t have any ideas yet beside wanting something different, here are a few questions you can ask yourself that will help you start untangling some ideas:

  • Do you want to shoot indoor or outdoor?

  • What are your hobbies, things you like in life, that you would want to incorporate in your shoot?

  • What aesthetic do you feel the most attracted to: light and airy, or dark and moody?

  • How do you want to feel during your photoshoot?

Figuring those few things out is a great way to start thinking of what you want. Or you can just contact us, and we will be more than happy to guide you!

We love boudoir photography, and we love even more the Scandals we work with! So let us bring your ideas to life 🥰

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Boudoir over 60, we highly recommend!

Earlier this year, we had the pleasure to photograph a fabulous woman, Madame M, who reached out because she was finally ready to try boudoir photography. In her initial inquiry, she mentioned that despite being 61 years old, she wanted to continue to feel empowered with her body and sensuality.

Since it was her first time, she was very nervous about her photoshoot. She shared with us that while she was on her way to our studio, she had kind of a panic attack to a point where she was very close to turn back and give up on this experience. Boudoir photography has been in the back of her mind for a long time, yet some little voices (fed by social norms and fear) were almost stronger than the excitement of finally doing her boudoir shoot. But she managed to stay strong and showed up for your photoshoot!

We are so glad she didn’t give up. She posed so well and her photos are beautiful! She truly deserved to experience boudoir photography. Her story, as well as all the other wonderful women who posed in front of our lens, inspired us to write today’s blog, hoping it can help women to take that step as well 💛


Women and ageism, it’s time to stop that BS!

Most women over a certain age do not dare to try boudoir photography, and how can we blame them? The stigma against aging women is brutal, and boudoir photography doesn’t help the cause! There are so little representations of women over 50 or 60 years old in the boudoir industry because society still believes that beauty equals being young. In society’s eyes, women lose value as they age, but they also become those sexless beings who lost touch with their sensuality. Because of those stereotypes, most fashion and boudoir photographers have over time prioritized younger women for their artistic projects, giving no room to people not fitting in these criteria.

Boudoir photography isn’t an easy experience, especially for first timers, as it can make people feel quite vulnerable (not everyone can easily pose in their underwear in front of a stranger!). Most of the inquiries we receive are coming from people who want to regain confidence, and learn to like their body the way it is. So for a woman who might be lacking body-confidence and has been told by the media that because she passed a certain age she is now worthless, doing a boudoir shoot can be extremely difficult!

Meeting those women who want to try boudoir so badly but stop themselves because they feel like they are not good enough breaks our hearts, and we wish mentalities could change faster! Thankfully, more and more people in the industry, us included, fight to change those social constructs. It is taking some time, but things are evolving. Now we need more brave people to try boudoir and share their awesome pictures with the world so they can inspire more people to do the same (honestly, that is the faster way to create a change)!

Fight those negative voices that are stopping you from doing a shoot!

But how can someone find the strength to give it a try even though they might feel really anxious about it? Well, if you are reading this blog and recognize yourself in those words, know that you are not alone! Many people are curious, yet afraid, by boudoir photography. And our main advice would be to first find the perfect photographer for you! Choosing the right person for the job is the most important step, as you want to make sure you will feel comfortable during the process. Then, just do it instead of overthinking the whole experience. The more you think about something that stresses you out, the more excuses you will find to not do it.

And 👏shut👏those👏voices👏down👏. If you are excited about doing a boudoir shoot, but you suddenly start thinking that you are too old, not thin enough, not muscular enough and whatnot, think about something else or keep focusing on the joy you get from doing a shoot.

Please believe us when we say that you are perfect the way you are! The beauty industry makes millions of dollars, selling us products we don’t need and making us believe we have to look a certain way to be worthy and desirable. There should not be any beauty standards to begin with, but unfortunately it is what it is. What we can do on our side is fight this nonsense by accepting our natural beauty and celebrate our body.

And what better way than a boudoir shoot to do so !

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How to Make Your Boudoir Photoshoot Fun and Pressure-Free

When people connect with us regarding a boudoir photography, it is very common for them to feel nervous. Not only does boudoir photography requires a lot of trust in the person shooting it, the majority of our clients hs also never done anything like it before. There are a few ways to make this experience as stress-free as possible, so you can make the most of it.


Remind yourself why you want to do a boudoir photoshoot.

Before letting self-doubt and fear take over, pause for a moment and consider why you’re drawn to this experience in the first place.

Is it to feel more confident in your body or to celebrate it? To learn to let loose and be more positive about yourself? Maybe you want to try something new, or perhaps you’re thinking of sharing it with a loved one? Whatever your reason, it is a beautiful one, and it didn’t pop in your brain out of nowhere. Hold on to it, especially in the early stages of your boudoir adventure.

Relax? Easier said than done!

Very true, it might not be easy to relax but lucky for you we have some tips that will help you to do so :

  • Avoid planning last minute.

While we can accommodate last minute shoots, it is not something we necessarily recommend. Doing things last minute is rarely a good idea as it creates unnecessary pressure due to rushing. We suggest you book your shoot a month in advance so you have time to gather everything you need and nicely prep for your shoot.

  • Find the perfect boudoir studio.

Each boudoir photographers have their own style and way of working. When you look for the perfect match, don’t stop just at the aesthetic of their work. It is very important you book a meeting (either on the phone, Zoom, or in-person) to talk about the details and see if their way of working is aligned with what you are looking for.

For example: will they make you sign a contract? How do they handle privacy? Is makeup and hair included? Are their pricing transparent and clear? Who is the actual photographer? Do not hesitate to ask questions or share any concerns you might have.

If you book a photographer you don't feel comfortable with, it will tarnish your shoot and the all experience.

  • Enjoy the getting ready part.

Planning for the photoshoot itself is often overlooked but it is so much fun! Looking for ideas, thinking of the vibes you want to create, and putting outfits together.

To keep this as pressure-free as possible, dive into it with the proper mindset: do not compare yourself to anyone you will see online and don't limit yourself and your abilities to pose like a badass. Create a Pinterest board or mood board and save anything that catches your eye.

Taking the time to prep for your shoot build up the excitement and the confidence around this experience.

  • Your shoot should look like you

When doing a shoot, you should not feel like you are wearing a disguise. From the outfits to the atmosphere of each set, you have to feel 100% like yourself.

Make sure to bring outfits you love and you feel good in. It doesn't have to be classic lingerie! Any outfit can be turned into a boudoir one with the right creativity. Also, go through your favourite pieces that are considered too much and give them a spin.

  • Consider bringing props

Props can be a game-changer on a photoshoot. Not only does it make your session even more true to yourself, but it also gives you something "to do” if you are camera-shy. Props can vary from something as simple as your favourite coffee mug or book to some things related to a beloved hobby of yours.

  • Have fun!!!!!!!

And finally when you checked all of the above, just enjoy your shoot 😘 Practice some poses in front of your mirror, create a playlist to bring with you the day of your shoot, be playful while posing, let your inner badass-self out, imagine you are in a fashion show,…

Don’t let the camera frighten you, this is just an accessory that will capture the moment you finally shine and let yourself be your beautiful you!

Boudoir photography will really help you reconnect with your body and sensuality. And it is something we all have (or had) a hard time with due to the old school fashion industry’s beauty standards and the judgment coming from others. We know some of you might be thinking: “Well I am not beautiful and really not sensual!”. Those thoughts are very common, but let us tell you something: they are also false.

You are beautiful! You are sensual! It does not matter what you identify to, your age, or the body you have, we all are gorgeous, sexy, and sensual beings.

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6 tips for a better boudoir experience while being on your period

We all agree that being on our period isn’t a pleasant experience: being in pain, losing blood, being tired, having our hormones going crazy, feeling bloated, having to use the bathroom often, and much more, makes it hard to feel like a sexy and confident being. So when the time of your boudoir shoot comes and you realize you will be on your period, it can feel like a bummer.

But don’t you worry, today we are giving you 6 tips that will help you have a positive boudoir experience while being on your period if you cannot push back your shoot!

Painkillers medicine

This one is a given but feeling comfortable while doing your boudoir shoot is very important, so you want to make sure to not be in pain while posing. Don’t hesitate to take some pain killers before leaving for your shoot. Taking them at least 30 minutes before the beginning of your boudoir session should do the trick!

Avoid wearing sanitary pads

If possible do not use pads, especially if you are planning to wear some lingerie. Pads are thick and very difficult to hide so instead you might want to use a tampon or menstrual cup. But if you do not like having a foreign object in your body, you can find nowadays beautiful period underwear that can be perfect for a boudoir shoot.

Bring one or two small towels

Having a couple of hand towels in your bag while on your period is always useful. You might need them if you have to clean yourself quickly, or use one to put under your bum in case you are worried you might stain the furniture you are sitting or laying on. Don’t forget to also take a plastic bag with you so you can put the used towels in it!

Change and freshen up

We all know how uncomfortable it is to spend a part of your day with an almost full period protection and wondering if it is leaking because it is time to change it. For your peace of mind and a better boudoir experience we recommend you to change whatever period product you are using just before starting your shoot. And if you can, do not hesitate to rinse yourself as well so you know there is no risk of smell or visual.

Avoid lingerie that is too tight

If you are like us, you know that when we are on our period it feels good to wear loose clothes. Since our uterus feels (and is) bigger than usual, wearing tight pants or tight underwear is very uncomfortable. If you only bring tight lingerie or gorgeous corset to wear during your boudoir session, you will end up spending the entire shoot feeling constricted, and it might show on the final pictures. To avoid this, bring a mix of different outfits so you can switch from wearing tight clothes to loose ones. It will make the session more comfortable for you!

Bring some outfits that covers your belly

It is not something you will hear us say often! Usually we like to tell our clients to show the parts of their body they like the less instead of hiding them during their boudoir shoot (it is in our opinion the best way to learn to accept and love those parts). But being on our period means that we are naturally bloated, and we know it is not a pleasant feeling.

On top of making our belly bigger than it usually is, there is also the discomfort that goes with it. So we understand that people don’t necessarily want to see that on their photographs. If you can relate, then bring some outfits that will hide your bloated belly such as bodysuits, babydoll gowns, dresses, shirts…

Bonus tip

Don’t hesitate to tell us if you are experiencing any discomfort or pain during your shoot so you can take a break to calm the cramps down. Here are a few items you can bring with you that can help ease the pain during the shoot:

  • Herbal tea to drink during your session. Red raspberry leaves, ginger, peppermint, and chamomile tea, can help to reduce the bloating and calm down period cramps.

  • Heat or cold pad. Heat can help relax the muscles contributing to cramping, so applying heat to your abdomen or back can help relieve your pain.

    An ice pack can also reduce pain. Cold therapy narrows blood vessels, which eases menstrual cramps.

  • Extra medicine to take if the pain comes back during your boudoir session.

As mentioned, your boudoir shoot should be a fun and comfortable experience. So if the idea of having your period during your session makes you feel uncomfortable, don’t hesitate to ask us if it is possible to push back your session, especially if you give us a couple of weeks notice. But in case it is not possible, try to not stress too much about it and follow those guidelines. If you manage to relax during this time, you will still get a beautiful experience 💛

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The thrill of outdoor boudoir

With the beautiful weather and temperature being nice and toasty, the opportunity for outdoor boudoir shoots is knocking a t our doors,for our greatest pleasure. Those tend to spark a lot of curiosity; after all, why would you do an outdoor shoot? How is that even doable? Let's dive in!


“Why would I even do an outdoor boudoir shoot?”

1) Some of us don't belong inside.

When you are considering having boudoir photos done, you want them to look like you. The real you, when you feel badass, confident and comfortable. For many of us, it is easier to feel this way when we are outdoors. Especially because being outdoors usually emphasize…

2) The feeling of freedom.

The outdoors, especially nature, is very often associated with peace and freedom, it's just in the air. That's why even guided meditation tend to “take” you outside. The energy is different, it is powerful and calm at the same time. Why stopping yourself from enjoying it?

3) A little extra challenge to satisfy your adventurous side.

If you are looking for an extra thrill during your boudoir shoot, shooting outdoors makes you feel SUPER badass because it is even more “unconventional” than an indoor boudoir shoot. If you have a rebellious spirit, you will definitely enjoy posing outdoors

4) The sceneries!

Why limit yourself to a home that could look like someone's else’s when you can have a beautiful scenery around you? A river, a mountain, a rooftop… It just makes it a lot more epic!

If you are feeling excited about all of those reasons, first: YAY! - then, let us take you through our logistics!


Winter works great too!


“How does it work if I want to shoot outside?”

There are a few things to consider before doing an outdoor boudoir photoshoot with us:

The best spots are semi-private

We can't really privatize an entire river, forest or street. Even though we have some secret spots that are off the beaten path, we can't guarantee that someone isn’t going to walk by. The good news ? The rare people we have seen really don't give a crap about the shoot and even apologized for disturbing us 😉

We are ninja photographers

The fact that the two of us are on every shoot makes it very easy & fast to cover you up if needed. One of us tends to stand close to you with a coat or towel while the other shoots.

We are mindful about nudity.

Chances are if you are looking to do an outdoor shoot, you are probably dreaming of having a beautiful nude or semi-nude image of yourself too (and you should, it is awesome). In case you were wondering: it is legal for women to be topless in Canada, and it has been forever, as long as we are being aware of what is around us. For example, no children around.

Since all of the spots we tend to go to are hidden, we never had a problem with nudity. Once again, having two shooters on set makes it easier to have someone on the lookout and cover you up in a second!

Partial nudity is usually a lot easier to manage, consider it if you feel like you’d want to experiment but aren’t looking to go too far!

If there is one thing we can promise is that you won't regret shooting outdoors. The settings are beautiful, the feeling is amazing and the final photos are epic.

The whole experience is truly magical, so if you were considering it, don't wait any longer, we will be happy to guide you through it!

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