We are only a few days away from September, also known as the “back to school/get shit done”. For many of us, this is when we feel the shift for a new year. We are going back to to-do lists, productivity boost and even some resolutions so we can ace everything.
Don't get us wrong, we LOVE all of the above. It feels new & fresh. But it is very much mind-oriented and boom, just like that, we forget above all the love and work we have put into on our body-image until we wake up feeling crappy about it.
How can you keep building or maintaining your good-body image when you are about to shift your focus & all the fall treats are just around the corner?
Before you keep going, if you struggle with your body-image, you may want to check those other posts out:
- 📖 You deserve to love your body (again!)
Alright, let's dive in! Here are 5 tips for you to keep giving some loving to your hot’bod’ and stay sane!
Enjoy the damn treats.
Life is short and it is definitely not made to go on a drastic diet every chance you get. After summer, especially if you feel like you “let yourself go”, you may feel some anxiety now that the summer bubble has burst. If you feel the need to re-balance, sure, but don't stop yourself from enjoying all the beautiful treats that come with fall. Enjoy your Pumpkin whatever with a smile!
Remind yourself that you don't have to change anything if you don't want to.
It is so easy to fall into setting crazy expectations for yourself in this kind of back-to-school energy. Everything is a question of balance: you can ride that wave and create new little habits here and there if you feel the need to, but we are personally not on the team of “let's change everything because that way, I will be smarter, stronger, wonderwoman.”
Don’t create pressure on yourself or add extra weight on your shoulders. Think slowly, but steadily, just like the Tortoise! 🐢
Don't hide behind layers
You didn't gather the courage to wear all your summery outfits to go back to using clothes for hiding rather than for pleasure! Keep wearing whatever outfits make you feel amazing, especially because Fall fashion is lovely and then we all turn into puffy Barbapapas in winter.
Try something new (like -ahem- a boudoir shoot!)
Instead of thinking “I'm gonna become the most organized person ever”, how about “I should try something I've always wanted to do!” ?
Of course, we suggest trying a boudoir session, you know, before the tan fades away! 😉 Not only it is a great experience that gives you a huge confidence boost, but it is also one of the best ways to appreciate your body! If you are intrigued but unsure what to expect, you can have a look here or sign up for our newsletter below!
Create or maintain your self-care routines
Take advantage of this back-to-school energy to either:
– Create a new self-care routine that works for you, or;
- Make sure to keep a close look on the one you already have!
Summer is synonym of relaxing time for most of us. We're not afraid to spend extra time to take care of ourselves. Good news: it doesn't have to stop! Even if you can't sunbathe under the sun anymore, who says you can't replace it with something equally enjoyable?
Keep taking breaks, spend some “doing nothing” time, hell, schedule a massage for next week or something!
There you have it, you are now ready to keep your body-image on the positive side while kicking some butts! Now, go take care of yourself.